Monday, December 17, 2012

Good thing I got my shopping done early...

Not wanting to leave anyone out, I have decided to host TWO Christmas shows...and they are both happening THIS WEEK!

First up, on Thursday night there is this one in Corner Brook: 

And then, on Friday night in Deer Lake, there is this one:

Check the Facebook links for more details and, as always, tell your friends.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

An Open Stage for the Underage

I really love these events and, this time, the lovely and talented 
Ellen Tomie will join us, as the hostess with the mostest.

And don't forget, we're not just looking for musicians; 
poets, essayists, comedians, and performance artists of all kinds 
are welcome to share their craft.

Visit the Facebook page, join it, 
and please, 
tell all your friends. 


Saturday, October 6, 2012


When I started organizing and promoting shows as Mr. H Presents..., I never imagined myself doing more than small events that featured local artists - and I figured I'd be perfectly content doing so. Eventually, I got to work with more established artists from St. John's as they passed through Corner Brook, and was  delighted to be giving young people a chance to see some real professionals at work. And then I heard Protest the Hero was coming to St. John's...

St. John's-based promoters Sure Fire Entertainment and Full Time Productions
announced last month they had booked Protest the Hero for a show in Corner Brook; shortly afterwards, they asked me (a west coast promoter, small though I am) to help. Naturally, I jumped at the opportunity. 

This is a band I have wanted to see for years, and to have my name on the poster  makes me a very happy guy; to be able to add Oceanic to the bill, makes me delirious. They are the last band I saw that left me speechless, and I am immensely grateful to have them travel back from Nova Scotia for the gig. 

Tickets are $15 in advance and are still available at Jennifer's (I have a batch in my pocket too). Spread the word gang...let's pack this place and show these bands what Corner Brook music fans are all about. 

Some links for you to check out: 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

An Open Stage for the Underage

Hi everybody!
It's time for the first Open Stage of the new school year.  We want to see performers of all kinds out to discover, develop and display their artistic talents; singers, musicians, DJs, MCs, poets, essayists, and comics are all welcome here.

Come down to perform or just to cheer your friends on.  Space and time are limited so get down early to sign up, and please, leave the bulky equipment at home.

Click on the link for the Facebook event profile and INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

An Open Stage for the Underage: Beachside!

Calling all young performers: come out to discover, develop, and display your talents in a friendly environment.  We welcome singers, instrumentalists, djs, beatboxers, poets, comics, and dancers. 

Space and time are limited, so get down early to sign up, and please leave bulky equipment at home. 

This event will be hosted by Jon Pike (Wading for Mark, Discos Down), and will be recorded by Rogers Television for a future episode of Corner Brook Cafe.

Friday, June 8, 2012

End of Exams Jam (3)

Alright gang, this is the one we have all been waiting for!  RocketRocketShip is returning for the End of Exams Jam (3), and bringing with them their brand new CD, "Your Best Kept Secret."  Get to the event profile on Facebook for more details and please, TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS.
Let's start the summer with the kind of party we will spend the rest of the summer talking about.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jerry Stamp: A Songwriter's Showcase

Jerry is a world-class songwriter and I am very pleased to have him back for another show.  Those who came out to see him last year, on his "Boats to Barley Tour," know what a talented cat he is. 

Over the Bank (Corner Brook Regional High) and The Stringpoppers (Pasadena Academy) will open the show with sets of their own original music.

This event is open to all, but space is limited, so please come early. Though the show is free, donations to cover expenses will be graciously accepted.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Calling all young performance artists!

Here comes another one!  This time, we are trying it out in the evening in hopes more of you can make it out.  

Come down to perform, support the performers, or simply sip on some Brewed goodness with the performance in the background. 

And please, tell/bring a friend. 
